Filmy z polskim lektorem i dubbingiem nowoĹci rapidshare download.
Cowboy Bepop
Ghost in the Shell
Wing of Honneamise
Digital Video Essentials DVD International
Angels in America HBO
Band of Brothers HBO
Deadwood:Season One HBO
From the Earth to the Moon HBO
Sopranos(TV-additional sources due in 2007), The HBO
Discovery Atlas: 4 Disk Sets Image Entertainment
Discovery Atlas: Australia Revealed Image Entertainment
Discovery Atlas: Brazil Revealed Image Entertainment
Discovery Atlas: China Revealed Image Entertainment
Discovery Atlas: Italy Revealed Image Entertainment
Bubble Magnolia Home Entertainment
Enron-The Smartest Guys in the Room Magnolia Home Entertainment
One Last Thing Magnolia Home Entertainment
Austin Powers:International Man of Mystery New Line
Blade New Line
Dark City New Line
Friday New Line
Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The New Line
Mask, The New Line
Player, The New Line
Rush Hour New Line
Se7en New Line
Spawn New Line
Babel Paramount
Black Rain Paramount
Braveheart Paramount
Coach Carter Paramount
Elizabethtown Paramount
Face/Off Paramount
Failure to Launch Paramount
Flags of Our Fathers Paramount
Forest Gump Paramount
Ghost Paramount
Grease Paramount
Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events Paramount
Payback Straight Up: The Director's Cut Paramount
Save the Last Dance Paramount
School of Rock Paramount
Spongebob Aquarepants; The Movie Paramount
Star Trek:First Contact Paramount
Star Trek:The Original Series Paramount
Ultimate Star Trek Movie Collection, The Paramount
Vanila Sky Paramount
Libertine, The The Weinstein Company
Awake The Weinstein Company
Breaking and Entering The Weinstein Company
Clerks II The Weinstein Company
Decameron The Weinstein Company
DOA:Dead or Alive The Weinstein Company
Grind House The Weinstein Company
Killshot The Weinstein Company
Last Legion The Weinstein Company
Lucky Number Slevin The Weinstein Company
Mrs. Henderson Presents The Weinstein Company
Passion of the Clerks The Weinstein Company
Pulse The Weinstein Company
School for Scoundrels The Weinstein Company
Sin City 2 The Weinstein Company
TransAmerica The Weinstein Company
Young Hannibal The Weinstein Company
American Pie Presents: A Naked Mile Universal
American Pie Unrated Universal
Aviator, The Universal
Battlestar Galactica Universal
Black Dahlia, The Universal
Blues Brothers, The Universal
Bourne Identity, The Universal
Brokeback Mountain:Collector's Edition Universal
Bruce Almighty Universal
Conan the Barbarian Universal
Dante's Peak Universal
Dawn of the Dead Universal
Good Shepherd, The Universal
Half Baked Universal
Hollywoodland Universal
Idlewild Universal
Inside Man Universal
Mummy Returns, The Universal
Pride & Prejudice Universal
Return, The Universal
Scarface Universal
Scoop Universal
Sting, The Universal
The 40 Year Old Virgin, The Universal
2001: A Space Odyssey Warner Home Video
A Clockwork Orange Warner Home Video
Above the Law Warner Home Video
Alexander: The Unrated Final Cut Warner Home Video
American President, The Warner Home Video
Beerfest (Unrated) Warner Home Video
Blade Runner Warner Home Video
Blood Diamond Warner Home Video
Bullitt Warner Home Video
Catwoman Warner Home Video
Contact Warner Home Video
Departed, The Warner Home Video
Dirty Harry Collection, The Warner Home Video
Eraser Warner Home Video
Executive Decision Warner Home Video
Exorcist, The Warner Home Video
Eyes Wide Shut Warner Home Video
Friends: Season One Warner Home Video
Getaway(1972), The Warner Home Video
Goonies, The Warner Home Video
Gothika Warner Home Video
Green Mile Special Edition, The Warner Home Video
Happy Feet Warner Home Video
Hard to Kill Warner Home Video
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Warner Home Video
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Warner Home Video
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Warner Home Video
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Warner Home Video
Maltese Falcon, The Warner Home Video
Marverick Warner Home Video
Matrix Reloaded, The Warner Home Video
Matrix Revolutions, The Warner Home Video
Matrix, The Warner Home Video
Music Man, The Warner Home Video
Mystic River Warner Home Video
Natural Born Killers Warner Home Video
Next of Kin Warner Home Video
North by Northwest Warner Home Video
Ocean’s Eleven Warner Home Video
Ocean’s Thirteen Warner Home Video
Ocean’s Twelve Warner Home Video
Passenger 57 Warner Home Video
Poseidon Warner Home Video
Red Planet Warner Home Video
Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves Warner Home Video
Scooby - Doo - The Movie Warner Home Video
Shawshank Redemption, The Warner Home Video
Shining(1980), The Warner Home Video
Singin' in the Rain Warner Home Video
Soldier Warner Home Video
Superman:Ultimate Colletor's Edition Warner Home Video
Twister Warner Home Video
U.S. Marchals Warner Home Video
West Wing:The Complete Seventh Season, The Warner Home Video
Wicker Man Warner Home Video
Wild Wild West Warner Home Video
Wizard of Oz, The Warner Home Video
Jakby coś w wersji polskiej było to chętnie bym kupił. No ale pewnie nie będzie

Jakby coś w wersji polskiej było to chętnie bym kupił. No ale pewnie nie będzie

Moze kiedys ????
Jak na razie edytorzy uwazaja ze polacy sa za biedni na HD DVD ......
LOTR będzie prawdopodobnie wydany w drugiej połowie roku.
Zarówno na HD-DVD jak i na BD a może na płytach Total HD Warnera?
Z Dolby Digital True HD 7.1.
Jak na razie edytorzy uwazaja ze polacy sa za biedni na HD DVD ......

To ciekawe, bo płyty Blu-Ray są wydawane z polskimi napisami i nawet niektóre z polskim dubbingiem!
Sam wolę standard HD-DVD nie tylko ze względu na ceny sprzętu...
LOTR będzie prawdopodobnie wydany w drugiej połowie roku.
Zarówno na HD-DVD jak i na BD a może na płytach Total HD Warnera?
Z Dolby Digital True HD 7.1.
Wszystko ładnie pięknie , ale ktoś znowu chce przyciąć pare dolarków - to ma być wersja KINOWA , a nie rozszerzona !

Spragnieni jakości kupią teraz , a gdy ukaże się rozszerzona , to i tak kupią ponownie !

No i jawi się przy okazji pierwsza niedoróbka Toshiby - wyjście analogowe to tylko 5.1 , a DD TrueHD będzie 7.1

Tak, będzie wersja kinowa ale nie jest przesądzone czy w tym samym czasie nie ukaże się też wersja rozszerzona.
Pesymiści oczywiście uważają, że dopiero za kolejny rok ale myślę, że tak źle nie będzie.
Co do wejść/wyjść 7.1 to rzeczywiście będzie kiepsko. Mój stary amplituner Pioneer VSX 2011 ma co prawda wzmacniacz 7 kanałowy i mam system z 7 głośnikami ale nie jestem przekonany (jak wrócę z pracy to sprawdzę, ale chyba nie) nie ma analogowego wejścia 7.1 a więc nawet gdybym miał jakiś player BD/HD-DVD z takim wyjściem to nic by mi z tego nie przyszło. Podejrzewam, że tak czy siak będzie mnie za jakiś czas razem z zakupem playera czekał zakup amplitunera z True HD i DTS HD. Ale przynajmniej ma instalację 7.1 więc nie muszę znowu kuć ścian

Kompatybilność dekoderów powinna zapewnić wmiksowanie 6 i 7 kanału do kanału 4 i 5 - wówczas
dekoder EX powinien sobie poradzić z wyciągnięciem tych wmiksowanych sygnałow- to nie jest trudne .
Tanie BD/HDDVD kosztuje 100 zł.
Za 400 zł można także kupić cztery filmy albo 400 GB dysk twardy na którym można zapisać do 20 filmów ale tylko póki co HD DVD.
Mamy więc wersję dla ubogich ?!?
Taki film kosztuje 20 zł.
Kupujmy więc twardziele.
Plany wydawnicze na następne miesiące :
2001: A Space Odyssey (Warner)
Above the Law (Warner)
American PIe (Universal)
American Pie (Unrated) (Universal)
American Pie Presents: A Naked Mile (Universal)
Angels in America (HBO)
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (New Line)
The Aviator (Universal)
Awake (Weinstein)
Band of Brothers (HBO)
Battlestar Galactica: The Complete First Season (Universal)
Bikini Destinations (Magnolia)
The Black Dahlia (Universal)
Blade (New Line)
Blade Runner (Warner)
Blood Diamond (Warner)
The Blues Brothers (Universal)
The Bourne Identity (Universal)
Braveheart (Paramount)
Breaking and Entering (Weinstein)
Bubble (Magnolia)
Catwoman (Warner)
A Clockwork Orange (Warner)
Coach Carter (Paramount)
Conan the Barbarian (Universal)
Contact (Warner)
Dante's Peak (Universal)
Dark City (New Line)
Dawn of the Dead (2003) (Universal)
Deadwood: Season One (HBO)
Decameron (Weinstein)
The Dirty Harry Collection (Warner)
Dreamgirls (Paramount)
Elizabethtown (Warner)
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (Magnolia)
Eraser (Warner)
Executive Decision (Warner)
Eyes Wide Shut (Warner)
Final Destination (New Line)
Flags of Our Fathers (Paramount)
Forrest Gump (Paramount)
Friday (New Line)
Friends: Season One (Warner)
From the Earth to the Moon (HBO)
Ghost (Paramount)
Gothika (Warner)
Grease (Paramount)
The Green Mile (Warner)
Grind House (Weinstein)
Hard to Kill (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Warner)
HDScape: Antarctica Dreaming (DVD International)
HDScape: Fireplace - Visions of Tranquility (DVD International)
HDScape: HD DVD Sampler (DVD International)
HDScape: HDWindow - Hawaii (DVD International)
HDScape: HDWindow - The Great Southwest (DVD International)
HDScape: Serenity - Southern Seas (DVD International)
HDScape: Stargaze II (DVD International)
HDScape: Visions of the Sea (DVD International)
Idlewind (Universal)
Inside Man (Universal)
Killshot (Weinstein)
Last Legion (Weinstein)
The Lemon Drop Kid (Universal)
The Libertine (Weinstein)
The Maltese Falcon (Warner)
The Mask (New Line)
The Matrix Revolutions (Warner)
The Matrix Reloaded (Warner)
The Matrix (Warner)
Maverick (Warner)
Mrs. Henderson Presents (Weinstein)
The Music Man (Warner)
Mystic River (Warner)
Next of Kin (Warner)
North by Northwest (Warner)
Ocean's Eleven (Warner)
Ocean's Twelve (Warner)
Passenger 57 (Warner)
The Player (New Line)
Pride & Prejudic3 (Universal)
Psycho (1960) (Universal)
Red Planet (Warner)
The Return (Universal)
Rush Hour (New Line)
Save the Last Dance (Paramount)
Scarface (1983) (Universal)
School of Rock (Paramount)
Scoop (Universal)
Se7en (Universal)
Shaun of the Dead (Universal)
The Shining (1980) (Warner)
Shuttle Discovery's Historic Mission (Magnolia)
Sin City 2 (Weinstein)
Smokin' Aces (Universal)
Soldier (Weinstein)
Son of Paleface (Paramount)
Spawn (New Line)
Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (Paramount)
Star Trek: First Contact (Paramount)
Star Trek: The Original Series (Paramount)
TransAmerica (Weinstein)
Twister (Weinstein)
U.S. Marshals (Warner)
The Ultimate Star Trek Collection (Paramount)
Vanilla Sky (Paramount)
Vengeance of the Zombies (BCI)
The War Within (Magnolia)
We Are Marshall (Warner)
Wild Wild West (Warner)
Young Hannibal (Weinstein)
Plany wydawnicze na następne miesiące :
2001: A Space Odyssey (Warner)
Above the Law (Warner)
American PIe (Universal)
American Pie (Unrated) (Universal)
American Pie Presents: A Naked Mile (Universal)
Angels in America (HBO)
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (New Line)
The Aviator (Universal)
Awake (Weinstein)
Band of Brothers (HBO)
Battlestar Galactica: The Complete First Season (Universal)
Bikini Destinations (Magnolia)
The Black Dahlia (Universal)
Blade (New Line)
Blade Runner (Warner)
Blood Diamond (Warner)
The Blues Brothers (Universal)
The Bourne Identity (Universal)
Braveheart (Paramount)
Breaking and Entering (Weinstein)
Bubble (Magnolia)
Catwoman (Warner)
A Clockwork Orange (Warner)
Coach Carter (Paramount)
Conan the Barbarian (Universal)
Contact (Warner)
Dante's Peak (Universal)
Dark City (New Line)
Dawn of the Dead (2003) (Universal)
Deadwood: Season One (HBO)
Decameron (Weinstein)
The Dirty Harry Collection (Warner)
Dreamgirls (Paramount)
Elizabethtown (Warner)
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (Magnolia)
Eraser (Warner)
Executive Decision (Warner)
Eyes Wide Shut (Warner)
Final Destination (New Line)
Flags of Our Fathers (Paramount)
Forrest Gump (Paramount)
Friday (New Line)
Friends: Season One (Warner)
From the Earth to the Moon (HBO)
Ghost (Paramount)
Gothika (Warner)
Grease (Paramount)
The Green Mile (Warner)
Grind House (Weinstein)
Hard to Kill (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Warner)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Warner)
HDScape: Antarctica Dreaming (DVD International)
HDScape: Fireplace - Visions of Tranquility (DVD International)
HDScape: HD DVD Sampler (DVD International)
HDScape: HDWindow - Hawaii (DVD International)
HDScape: HDWindow - The Great Southwest (DVD International)
HDScape: Serenity - Southern Seas (DVD International)
HDScape: Stargaze II (DVD International)
HDScape: Visions of the Sea (DVD International)
Idlewind (Universal)
Inside Man (Universal)
Killshot (Weinstein)
Last Legion (Weinstein)
The Lemon Drop Kid (Universal)
The Libertine (Weinstein)
The Maltese Falcon (Warner)
The Mask (New Line)
The Matrix Revolutions (Warner)
The Matrix Reloaded (Warner)
The Matrix (Warner)
Maverick (Warner)
Mrs. Henderson Presents (Weinstein)
The Music Man (Warner)
Mystic River (Warner)
Next of Kin (Warner)
North by Northwest (Warner)
Ocean's Eleven (Warner)
Ocean's Twelve (Warner)
Passenger 57 (Warner)
The Player (New Line)
Pride & Prejudic3 (Universal)
Psycho (1960) (Universal)
Red Planet (Warner)
The Return (Universal)
Rush Hour (New Line)
Save the Last Dance (Paramount)
Scarface (1983) (Universal)
School of Rock (Paramount)
Scoop (Universal)
Se7en (Universal)
Shaun of the Dead (Universal)
The Shining (1980) (Warner)
Shuttle Discovery's Historic Mission (Magnolia)
Sin City 2 (Weinstein)
Smokin' Aces (Universal)
Soldier (Weinstein)
Son of Paleface (Paramount)
Spawn (New Line)
Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (Paramount)
Star Trek: First Contact (Paramount)
Star Trek: The Original Series (Paramount)
TransAmerica (Weinstein)
Twister (Weinstein)
U.S. Marshals (Warner)
The Ultimate Star Trek Collection (Paramount)
Vanilla Sky (Paramount)
Vengeance of the Zombies (BCI)
The War Within (Magnolia)
We Are Marshall (Warner)
Wild Wild West (Warner)
Young Hannibal (Weinstein)
Fajnie , tylko to sa tylko zapowiedzi ... Biorac pod uwage ilosc wydanych plyt HD DVD od nowego roku to mam powazne watpliwosci co do tego czy doczekamy sie tych plyt ....

Natomiast konkurencja z BR przystapilad do ataku wydajac coraz wiecej plyt w tym formacie ....
Sporo swietnych tytulow. Szczesliwie nie jestesmy skazani na wybor jedyny wlasciwy, bo zawsze mozna zrobic authoring i wypalic (czekam na oprogramowanie ktore w inteligentny sposob przytnie i skompresuje wyjsciowy material do pojemnosci = 15gb czyli dwoch dwuwarstowych krazkow... moim zdaniem nie bedzie to robilo wiekszej roznicy odnosnie jakosci)
Maja wylacznosc na seriale HBO.... pieknie! Teraz dopiero mnie oswiecilo. Kompania Braci, Rzym... rewelka!

zamiast divxa/xvida 2cd - x264 2dvd

Universal HD DVD 2007 Tytuly:
The Good Shepherd, Smokin' Aces, The Game, The Jerk, The Hitcher, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Nutty Professor
Alpha Dog, The 40-Year-Old Virgin: Unrated, Smokey and the Bandit, Hurricane, Skeleton Key, The River, Midnight Run, The Frighteners, The Big Lebowski, Dragonheart, Lost in Translation
Breach, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar, Sneakers, Born on the 4th of July, Scent of a Women, Daylight, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, Meet Joe Black, Mallrats, Being John Malkovich, Mystery Men, American Me, The Watcher, Bulletproof
Billy Madison, The War, The Wedding Date, Dante's Peak, Cat in the Hat, Dead Silence, The Bourne Identity, The Nutty Professor 2, In Good Company, Streets of Fire, Hot Fuzz, Sea of Love, Darkman, Shaun of the Dead, Deliver Us from Eva
Heroes: Season One
The Last Starfighter, Legend, Battlestar Galactica: Season One, For the Love of the Game, Knocked Up, Evening, The Getaway: Unrated, Patch Adams, Cat People